Philosophical modernity and representation through an art practice.

Philosophical art practices

The nature of modernity

There are various temporal methodologies for representing modes of modernity. Artworks, as a mixed media basis, is an ideal way to explore modernity. This can be done through the context of flows of tourism and trade. Firstly modernity requires some mode of representation. This can be non non-analytic. A philosophical set of rational arguments that lead to contradictions. Therefore premises that lead to a conclusion are a synthesis of lived experiences that lays at the heart of any art practice.

Modernity and resistance

Philosophic art practices within modernity is a form of resistance to institutional types of identity construction. Subjects of creative content move into modes of self-definition and control of identity politics. It deconstructs the functional ascriptive roles of structural functionalism.”

There is a primordial sense of representing that transcends the rational process. That the self in society, arguably, is unable to understand the complex nature of world politics. That is the narratives of globalization and the complex interdependency of consumption.

Philosophical art practices and its manifest representations.

Intuitional logic and semantic connections enable a sense of personal identity. However this is constrained through the various media informational channels. Furthermore, what brings content to individual lives manifests as economic production. However what transcends or for materialists supervenes may only ever be a for visual representation. Therefore art can offer profound insights into these questions. Pragmatics of art may be that it has a general sense of referencing simple objects, such as outdoor sculpture as a way of making sense of the cultural form of life that constructs identity.

To reflect on movement and stillness.
Camel legs are positioned under the mountain. View the series titled ‘EIGHT THOUSANDERS’ that is a survey of the Himalayas mountains over eight thousand meters.

The nature of time and art

A notion of past present and future seems simple to understand. I exist at a present though my memories are of past, while my intentions are about possible future states of affairs. The self exists within modernity as a vague cultural object. The artworks presented ostensibly represent this process, as the fish moves into the future, leaving its past behind depicted on the other side of the plate. The present being the ridge joining the two sides.



An A theory or time and the B theory of time.

This relates simple to a couple of theories of time. The A theory simply places time as a past, present and future states, where as the B theory of time places a before and after as the only relevant states to explain time.

So what has this to do with creating a tangible artform. The methodology of a theory of time will have a profound impact on the sort of artform. The A theory of time is more in line with a humanist approach to nature whereas the B theory of time is akin to the scientific view of nature. The classic analogy is the rationalist figurative approach that resembles the neo classic refinement placing the human form at the centre of the universe followed by Romanticism that place the human within a turbulent natural world. The modernist phase really took all figurative elements apart leaving a before and after series of events that aligns with the B theory of time.