
Adventurism in 1983 had features of expressionism. The aim to experience alternative agricultural practices. I became involved with the Willing Workers on Organic Farms Project (woofers).
I. Giardina

Community collectives featuring minimalism, off grid living and representations of Eastern traditions gave a distinct turn to a life lived in the tropical zone (QLD). It was when visiting Sydney and Canberra (Australia) that I encountered a yoga group. Read more (main biography)

Introduction to the art of focusing on a point.
A focused practice developed through a form of yoga meditation (Raja yoga) conducted by The Brahma Kumaris school of yoga who have their head quarters in India.
Australian artist biography introduction to performance art.
This turned out to be a four-year experiment in performance arts (bio article), including silent salutations in shopping precincts; discourse; group meditations, and exhibitions. The highlight was travel to the Indian sub-continent each year beginning in 1985 to 1989. Read more (main biography)

(Gold Coast times)
A Shift in focus from point of light meditation to harmonics.
There had been a gradual transition from the point of light silence meditation to the sonic vibrations sound phase. It was to become the basis of my art practice.

A turn to this kind of expression through an international perspective gave a focus on objective centred activities rather than the purely meditation practice of an earlier phase.

This phase was marked by a year of research into yoga schools in the Indian sub continent. After returning to Australia I resided once more int the tropical norther region (Kuranda, QLD).
The questions remained around the nature of the self, so upon some reservation I decided to take up a philosophy and studies in religion major at the U.Q. After being awarded a degree my interests were to further investigate the religious and philosophical quest but through materialism and community.
An introduction to pilgrimage and stone sculpture (2005).
After leaving Brisbane (QLD) in 2004 I decided to go to India once again. It was not long after arrival that the 2004 tsunami struck the coast of Tamil Nadu. A narrow escape (biographical page) from the 2004 Tsumami gave me a connection with material forms. This epiphany of sorts occurred whilst I was in India, Tamil Nadu. It inspired a further stay in Mahabalipuram to learn stone sculpture carving from a guild of traditional stone sculptors.
A sample of projects.
The follow set of images are a representation of the materialist stage (wiki) of enquiry based on my previous stage which was spiritual or philosophical idealism (wiki).
Biographical extended sequential version.